Bálint Csala - Copyright 2024;


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Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering
ongoing Master's degree studies (exp. finish: 2024)

Work experience:

Simulation Engineer at EcoSim 2019 - 2023
Senior Software Engineer at EvoSoft (Siemens) 2023 - Present
Teacher's assistant at Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Technical experience:

Front-end development: JS/TS, most major UI frameworks (React, Vue, Astro, SolidJS, etc.)
Web tooling: Jenkins, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform
Backend development: NodeJS, SQL, Spring
Native development: C, C++, Rust, Java, Kotlin
App development: Android, Flutter, React Native
Graphics programming: OpenGL, WebGL, Vulkan, WebGPU, GLSL, WGSL


Email: balint.csala@gmail.com
Twitter: BalintCsala
Linkedin: Bálint Csala